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來源:http://www.dcgr.cn/ 發布時間:2021-02-22 瀏覽量:0

手持工業內窺鏡又稱之為內鏡,它是一種多領域使用的檢測設備之一,有著高清成像和定點捕捉等功能,廣泛使用于工業和醫療行業,兩者的使用基本原理相同,醫療領域當中使用的手持工業內窺鏡是用于檢測器官是否發生了實質性的病變等,通過人體的天然孔道或是手術切割的小傷口中進入人體內部,通過攝影成像的方式來直接觀察內部器官;而工業領域上的手持工業內窺鏡也是一種侵入式的檢測方式,它深入管道深處或者是探索的機械設備內部,以照片成像的形式將管道內部或者是機械內部呈現出來,提高了后續維修操作的精 確度,同時也是提高了檢測工作的效率,因為通過內部檢測,能夠減少了拆卸設備的麻煩,而且還能夠減少了對于機械零部件的損傷,因此也可以叫工業管道內窺鏡。
Handheld industrial endoscope, also known as endoscopy, is one of the detection devices used in many fields. It has the functions of high-definition imaging and fixed-point capture, and is widely used in industry and medical industry. The basic principles of the two are the same. The handheld industrial endoscope used in the medical field is used to detect whether there is a substantial pathological change in the organs, through the natural channels of the human body Or a small incision cut by surgery into the human body, through the way of photography and imaging to directly observe the internal organs; and the hand-held industrial endoscope in the industrial field is also an invasive detection method, it goes deep into the pipeline or explores the internal mechanical equipment, and presents the pipeline or mechanical internal in the form of photo imaging, which improves the follow-up maintenance The accuracy of operation, but also improve the efficiency of detection work, because through internal detection, can reduce the trouble of dismantling equipment, but also can reduce the damage to mechanical parts, so it can also be called industrial pipeline endoscope.
Handheld industrial endoscope is widely used in many fields, and the science and technology of this kind of equipment is more and more perfect. Especially in recent years, all kinds of handheld industrial endoscope products are updated rapidly, including optical fiber endoscope, electronic handheld industrial endoscope and so on, because the industrial endoscope can directly observe the parts that can not be directly viewed, and can observe in the sealed cavity It can not only check the internal structure and mentality, but also check whether there are some subtle deviations or faults in various types of equipment that can not be seen by naked eyes through internal inspection. It is suitable for the industry, electrical industry, etc., and has a high degree of market recognition.
手持工業內窺鏡使用還有一個顯著的特點,它能夠減少對于極 端環境的影響,即使是高溫環境或者使人眼無法直接觀察的一些環境下均可以使用,如今很多領域中考慮做檢測工作的時候的都會采用內窺鏡,并且國內內窺鏡的檢測已經進入了實用階段,廣泛的應用于生產過程中的質量控制。
The use of handheld industrial endoscopes also has a significant feature, which can reduce the number of polar lens Due to the influence of end-to-end environment, it can be used even in high temperature environment or some environment where human eyes can not observe directly. Nowadays, endoscopes are used in many fields when considering the detection work, and the detection of endoscopes in China has entered the practical stage, which is widely used in the quality control of the production process.
In order to have better imaging effect, now many endoscopes are considered to be used together with some auxiliary equipment, so that they can better detect, record and store the target object effectively, and because its image data can be saved for a long time, it is also convenient for subsequent comparison.
The quality of industrial endoscope equipment is very important, and the endoscope products with excellent quality will certainly have good imaging effect. It is suggested that you can try it when you purchase the endoscope and compare the imaging HD of different devices. The handheld industrial endoscope is flexible in operation, and the market price is relatively affordable. Choosing a good product can bring more benefits More help.
  • 公司公司:匠仁醫療設備有限公司
  • 匠仁醫療山東濟南維修部
  • 聯系人:樊經理
  • 電話:13153199508
  • 地址:山東省濟南市槐蔭區美里東路3000號德邁國際信息產業園6號樓101-2室
  • 匠仁醫療湖南長沙維修部
  • 聯系人:李經理
  • 電話:13873135765
  • 地址:湖南省長沙市雨花區勞動東路820號恒大綠洲14棟2409室

樊經理:13153199508     李經理:13873135765

公司地址:山東省濟南市槐蔭區美里東路3000號德邁國際信息產業園6號樓101-2室  湖南省長沙市雨花區勞動東路820號恒大綠洲14棟2409室


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