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  內窺鏡是一個配備有燈光的管子,可以經人體的天然孔道,或者是經手術做的小切口進入人體內進行診斷。? 近年來,隨著科技水平的提升以及人們健康意識的增強,內窺鏡市場得到了迅速的發展。現代內窺鏡按照發展階段可分為硬管式內窺鏡、半可屈式內窺鏡、光纖內窺鏡、電子內窺鏡四個階段。

  An endoscope is a tube equipped with light that can enter the human body through natural channels or small surgical incisions for diagnosis and treatment.? In recent years, with the improvement of technology and the enhancement of people's health awareness, the endoscope market has experienced rapid development. Modern endoscopes can be divided into four stages according to their development stages: rigid tube endoscopes, semi flexible endoscopes, fiber optic endoscopes, and electronic endoscopes.

  1804年,Philip Bozzini大膽提出了內鏡的思考和設想,并在1806年制造了一種以蠟燭為光源的器具,由一花瓶狀光源、蠟燭和一系列鏡片組成,用于觀察動物的膀胱與直腸內部結構被稱為明光器(Lichtleiter) ,雖然未用于人體,Bozzini仍被譽為個內窺鏡的發明人。?? 隨后,法國外科醫生Desormeaux,次將“Lichtleiter”運用于人體,因此他被許多人譽為“內窺鏡之父”,他的“明光器 ”是以燒煤油和松節油燈為光源,燈的上方帶有煙囪,并用透鏡將光線聚集以增加亮度,可想而知灼傷是進行這種檢查時的主要并發癥。雖然這種內窺鏡可以到達胃,但光線太暗,所以主要用于檢查泌尿系方面的疾病。

  In 1804, Philip Bozzini boldly proposed the idea and conception of endoscopy, and in 1806, he created an instrument with a candle as the light source, consisting of a vase shaped light source, a candle, and a series of lenses. It was used to observe the internal structure of the bladder and rectum of animals, and was called the Lichtliter. Although it was not used in the human body, Bozzini is still known as the inventor of the first endoscope.?? Subsequently, French surgeon Desormeaux applied the "Lichtliter" to the human body for the first time, earning him the title of "father of endoscopes" by many. His "illuminating device" used kerosene and turpentine oil lamps as light sources, with a chimney above the lamp and a lens to concentrate the light to increase brightness. It can be imagined that burns are the main complication of this examination. Although this endoscope can reach the stomach, the light is too dim, so it is mainly used to examine urinary system diseases.

  1879年,受演藝者吞劍的啟發,Kussmaul將一直的金屬管放入一名演藝者的胃內來觀察胃腔,這樣臺食管胃鏡就問世了。? 同年,柏林泌尿外科醫生Nitze制成了個含光學系統的內窺鏡(膀胱鏡),其前端含一個棱鏡,用電流使鉑絲環過熱發光并以之作為光源,同Lichtleiter一樣,該內窺鏡僅被用于泌尿系統。Nitze在膀胱內循環冰水以避免熱灼傷,由于該內窺鏡能獲得較清晰的圖像,Nitze還利用它拍攝照片,后來Nitze在他的膀胱鏡中引入了操作管道,通過該管道可以插入輸尿管探針進行操作。

  In 1879, inspired by the entertainer swallowing a sword, Kussmaul placed a metal tube into the stomach of an entertainer to observe the gastric cavity, thus creating the first esophageal gastroscopy.? In the same year, Berlin urologist Nitze created the first endoscope (cystoscope) with an optical system, which included a prism at the front end and used an electric current to overheat a platinum wire ring to emit light as a light source. Like Lichtliter, this endoscope was only used for the urinary system. Nitze circulated ice water inside the bladder to avoid thermal burns. Due to the clear images obtained by this endoscope, Nitze also used it to take photos. Later, Nitze introduced an operating tube into his cystoscope, through which a ureteral probe could be inserted for operation.


  In 1881? The successful application of endoscopy in the urinary and reproductive system has prompted people to apply it to other parts of the human body. In 1881, Mikulicz and Leiter successfully created the first gastroscope suitable for clinical use using Nitze's rigid tube optical system.

  1898年 1898年Killian制成并成功使用了個支氣管鏡。

  In 1898, Killian made and successfully used the first bronchoscope.


  2. Semi flexible endoscope

  ? 個半可屈式胃窺鏡是由Schindler從1928年起與器械制作師Wolf合作開始研制的,并終在1932年獲得成功,定名為Wolf-Schindler式胃鏡。? 其特點是前端可屈性,即在胃內有一定范圍的彎曲,使術者能清晰地觀察胃粘膜圖像。

  What? The first semi flexible gastroscope was developed by Schindler in collaboration with instrument maker Wolf in 1928, and was ultimately successful in 1932, named the Wolf Schindler gastroscope.? Its characteristic is front-end flexibility, which means there is a certain range of curvature in the stomach, allowing the surgeon to clearly observe the image of the gastric mucosa.


  3. Fiber endoscope

  1954年 英國Hopkings及Kapany研究了纖維的精密排列,有效地了纖維束的圖像傳遞,為纖維光學的實用奠定了基礎。

  In 1954? Hopkins and Kapany from the UK studied the precise arrangement of fibers, effectively solving the image transmission of fiber bundles and laying the foundation for the practical application of fiber optics.


  4. Electronic endoscope

  1983年美國Welch Allyn公司研制并應用微型圖像傳感器 (charge coupled device,CCD)代替了內鏡的光導纖維導像術,宣告了電子內鏡的誕生——內鏡發展史上另一次歷史性的突破。

  What? In 1983, Welch Allyn Company in the United States developed and applied a miniature image sensor (charge coupled device, CCD) to replace the optical fiber guidance of endoscopy, announcing the birth of electronic endoscopy - another historic breakthrough in the history of endoscopic development.


  What? Electronic endoscopes have the advantages of high resolution, realistic and clear images, vivid colors, high intensity, long lifespan, and greater durability. They also have the ability to be viewed by multiple people and store image data. They are gradually replacing the previously used fiber endoscopes, opening a new chapter in the history of endoscopic diagnosis and treatment for more than a hundred years, and playing a huge role in clinical, teaching, and scientific research.


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  • 公司公司:匠仁醫療設備有限公司
  • 匠仁醫療山東濟南維修部
  • 聯系人:樊經理
  • 電話:13153199508
  • 地址:山東省濟南市槐蔭區美里東路3000號德邁國際信息產業園6號樓101-2室
  • 匠仁醫療湖南長沙維修部
  • 聯系人:李經理
  • 電話:13873135765
  • 地址:湖南省長沙市雨花區勞動東路820號恒大綠洲14棟2409室

樊經理:13153199508     李經理:13873135765

公司地址:山東省濟南市槐蔭區美里東路3000號德邁國際信息產業園6號樓101-2室  湖南省長沙市雨花區勞動東路820號恒大綠洲14棟2409室


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