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來源:http://www.dcgr.cn/ 發(fā)布時間:2023-06-27 瀏覽量:0

In daily maintenance work, malfunctions often occur in the medical endoscope system. What are the common malfunctions? Below, the endoscope maintenance company will talk about image display faults.
Image display faults mainly include abnormal image display and no image on the monitor.
(1) Abnormal image display
The fault phenomenon is that the monitor has image output, but the image shows horizontal or vertical color stripe interference, color snowflake flickering, etc. The fault analysis and handling are as follows:
Due to the inspection of the connection point between the high-definition camera handle and the cable, repeated bending and pulling during use can easily cause cable damage, resulting in horizontal or vertical color stripes in the image. The solution is to replace the connection line.
The plug connecting the cable to the host is prone to aging and corrosion after repeated plugging or improper operation, resulting in poor contact and image failure. The response measures are to strengthen standardized operation training and regular maintenance.
Due to the increasing number of electrified equipment in the operating room, especially the application of high-frequency and high current equipment such as electric knives, small signal interference may occur. Especially when there is electrical leakage in devices such as electrocoagulation rods, electric knives, pens, or connecting wires, it will occur that every time the foot switch is used to start electrocoagulation or electrocoagulation, the display image will completely turn into a colorful snowflake flashing. After releasing the foot switch to stop output, the image will return to normal.
In situations like this, it is necessary to immediately replace a complete set of electric knife equipment to ensure the smooth completion of the surgery. At the same time, detect and promptly repair or replace the leaking electric coagulation rod, electric knife pen, or connecting wire.
(2) Monitor has no images
The main fault phenomenon is that the monitor has no image output, which can be divided into two types: one is that the monitor is in a black screen state, with no image, and no endoscope field of view box; Another type is that the monitor has an endoscopic field of view frame but no image.
1. For the first fault phenomenon, it is generally considered whether it is caused by a malfunction of the monitor itself or a signal input fault. Most of the current monitors are high-definition LCD monitors. When checking the monitors, it is necessary to measure whether the external 12V DC power adapter is powered normally. If not, replace the adapter in time; If it is normal, restart the equipment, and observe whether the POST screen is normal. If the self-test fails, send it to a professional agent for repair.
2. For the second type of fault phenomenon, priority should be given to the problems of the endoscope mirror itself, such as various electronic soft mirrors leaking water, liquid entering the CCD, causing corrosion of the CDD base, severe CCD damage, and no image output. When the hard mirror experiences bending deformation, objective lens fragmentation, and other issues, it can also cause no image failure. These problems are mainly caused by non-standard operations in diagnosis, surgical treatment, and sterilization and disinfection.
Due to limitations in maintenance technology and equipment, most endoscopes with the aforementioned malfunctions need to be sent out to a professional repair company, which is time-consuming and expensive. Therefore, it is necessary to standardize the operation, and operators should receive regular and strict training and assessment to reduce the occurrence of such faults. If you have any further questions, please come to our website http://www.dcgr.cn Solve it!
  • 公司公司:匠仁醫(yī)療設(shè)備有限公司
  • 匠仁醫(yī)療山東濟南維修部
  • 聯(lián)系人:樊經(jīng)理
  • 電話:13153199508
  • 地址:山東省濟南市槐蔭區(qū)美里東路3000號德邁國際信息產(chǎn)業(yè)園6號樓101-2室
  • 匠仁醫(yī)療湖南長沙維修部
  • 聯(lián)系人:李經(jīng)理
  • 電話:13873135765
  • 地址:湖南省長沙市雨花區(qū)勞動?xùn)|路820號恒大綠洲14棟2409室

樊經(jīng)理:13153199508     李經(jīng)理:13873135765

公司地址:山東省濟南市槐蔭區(qū)美里東路3000號德邁國際信息產(chǎn)業(yè)園6號樓101-2室  湖南省長沙市雨花區(qū)勞動?xùn)|路820號恒大綠洲14棟2409室


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